Saturday, 24 October 2015

Firefox Workshop at IES

This blog is about the Firefox event held at IES college, Bhopal on 16th Oct, 2015.

Basic details about the event-

We boarded the cab early in the morning at 8:30 AM with members:

1.Rahul Talreja (Mozilla ReP)
2.Vaibhav Bajaj (Mozilla ReP)
3.Satyadeep Bhardwaj (Club lead-IES)

4.Prince Jain

5.Vishesh Aalwani (me)

The event was held to promote the following agendas:
1. Introduction to creation of free and open web.
2. FSA Program with club formation and recruitments.
3. Firefox in localized languages.
4. Introduction to mozilla tools.
5. Introduction to webmaker.
6. FxOs App dev Using Simulator

Firstly we started at IES seminar Hall where the MOZ REP Rahul Talreja  gave the breif introduction about the structure of FSA program. He covered all important aspects like - what is Mozilla,why Mozilla,benefits of being Mozillian and further discussed how to join FSA program and explained us how to contribute in different programs of Firefox being FSA. A further introduction on Webmaker and Firefox OS was done .

Second Session started around 12:30 PM. We were given 2 labs for the second session.
One lab was held by Rahul sir(MOZ REP)  and another by Vaibhav sir(MOZ REP) .
The second session was held for FSA registeration and then for app development and contribution on webmaker project. We also promoted Fx Hindi downloads.

It was quite amazing to see full 100% attendance in the 2nd session also.
Students were really enthusiastic. All were very keen to learn something new.

Then followed the third session which was a photo session with IES students.

In all it was quite an awesome experience for me. I feel really lucky to be part of that event.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Firefox for Windows 10 Campaign

Here is my first blog after being a Mozillian.

This Blog is all about the meetup held on 20th sept at Grills and More Restaurant, Sector C, Indrapuri, Bhopal

The meetup was held to discuss the following agendas-
 1.) Contributions Of Mozillians in various sectors.
2.) Localisation
3.) Windows 10 Campaign

The meetup started with the general introduction of all the FSA's. Then Mozilla rep - Rahul Talreja sir gave the detailed description of the whole structure of this Fsa program for all newbies. It was a wonderful help and guidance for all newbies including me. He also helped all the newbies by discussing all the the ways  through which a FSA can contribute.

Then we were joined my Moz_Rep - Vaibhav Bajaj
He and Vidit Sharma combinedly explained me about Localization. They told me how we can translate our browser to any other language we want.

Then we learnt how to make the Firefox Browser the default browser for Windows 10 platform.
We all were able to set our default browser as Firefox browser.

My first experience with the Mozilla family was wonderful
Hoping the same in future.